Black Horse Press
Deborah  Hand-Cutler

Deborah Hand-Cutler

Deborah Hand-Cutler is a writer and musician in Tehachapi, California, She began her writing career as a journalist, working for various publications, including as an editor for Fairchild Publications in New York, and as a reporter for The Christian Science Monitor in Boston. She has been a columnist and contributing writer for her local newspapers, and has also worked as a radio and video producer. Along the way, she has been writing fiction, including plays performed by the Tehachapi Community Theatre.   

Brenda Sutton Turner

Brenda Sutton Turner

Brenda Sutton Turner grew up in Texarkana, Arkansas, in the 1950s and '60s. Her father was employed by the railroad and her mother was a domestic worker. Brenda was the eighth of eleven children. 

Daniel M. Kimmel

Daniel M. Kimmel

Daniel M. Kimmel is a veteran Boston-based film critic and author. His film reviews currently appear in He also writes on classic SF films for "Space and Time" magazine. 

Andi Hicks
